INERGY Kodiak X2 Solar Power Station User Guide (2024)

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INERGY Kodiak X2 Solar Power Station User Guide
INERGY Kodiak X2 Solar Power Station User Guide (1)


  1. When you unbox your Kodiak X2, PLEASE DO NOT throw away the packaging. It may come in handy down the road in case of damage from shipping or handling, or any other issues requiring a return.
  2. Charge your Kodiak X2 to 100% by connecting the wall adapter into the AC Charge Input on the left side of the unit. Ensure that the Dualink Parallel Switch is in Solo Mode prior to connecting to the wall to charge by pushing the switch fully to “S”. Charging can only be done while in Solo Mode. Leave the Main Power Button on the LEFT side of the unit ON during charging, this will allow the Kodiak X2 to reach 100% and balance the internal multi-cell battery pack. Never charge a Kodiak X2 if the temperature is below 32°F. For instructions on connecting 2 Kodiak X2’s together, see Using Your Kodiak X2 in Dualink Parallel Mode.
  3. When your Kodiak X2 is fully charged, plug a device into each output to make sure that nothing was damaged in shipping and handling.
  4. It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that the Kodiak X2 not be left stored at a very low battery level, or run until it turns off and not recharged within a day or two. Not doing so can permanently damage the battery and is not covered under warranty.


NEVER connect an input exceeding 65 volts, i.e. the open circuit voltage (VOC)on solar input, to the blue EC8 charging port (left side) on the Kodiak X2.

NEVER exceed output and input connector ratings. Failure to do so may resultin unit damage, fire, or electrical shock. You can find these ratings underTech Specs.

NEVER store a Kodiak X2 in hot environments, such as a hot vehicle. Lithiumbatteries are sensitive to extremely high temperatures. For more informationsee Tech Specs.

NEVER touch, stick metal objects into, or otherwise come in contact with theinterior of the AC outlets on the Kodiak X2. Doing so risks death, seriousinjury, and electrical shock. These outlets supply power comparable to that ofa normal home wall outlet and, while ungrounded, still present many of thesame dangers.

NEVER allow the Kodiak X2 to get wet. Allow any condensation to dry completelybefore powering-up or charging your Kodiak X2. If your system does get wet,contact us to ensure it’s safe before attempting to use it again.

NEVER attempt to repair your Kodiak X2 or replace the internal batteryyourself; any manipulation or disassembly will void all warranties. Anytampering with the warranty stickers (black dot with Inergy logo) may alsovoid the warranty. For questions about repair/service, please contact ourU.S.-based Tech Support team (see Contact Us). There are no user-serviceableparts inside.

ALWAYS keep your Kodiak X2 clean and dry. Regularly inspect for dirt, dust, ormoisture. You may clean connectors, outlets, and fans with canned air forelectronics. Never use an air compressor to clean or dust-off your system.

NEVER use a generic or off-brand charger to charge your Kodiak X2. Use onlyInergy-supplied chargers specifically for this device.

NEVER connect your Kodiak X2 AC outlets to another power source (i.e. attemptto charge your Kodiak X2 via the AC outlets). Doing so will permanently damageyour device and void your warranty. These outlets are output only, and anysuch damage is easily detected when diagnosing system failures.

BE AWARE that the Kodiak X2 can get hot when in use. Charge your Kodiak X2 ina well ventilated, dry area.

NEVER use or store a Kodiak X2 in any orientation other than standing straightup. The Kodiak X2 is designed to be stored and operated while sitting on aflat, secure surface.

ALWAYS secure the Kodiak X2 with straps or cords when using it in a vehicle toprotect against excessive vibration or impacts



INERGY Kodiak X2 Solar Power Station User Guide (2)





INERGY Kodiak X2 Solar Power Station User Guide (3)

LCD Image Key

A Power Input Icon
Appears anytime there is a power source connected
B Battery Level Dial
Displays estimated battery level expressed as a dial
C Power Output Icon
Appears anytime there is a load (AC or DC)
D Alarm Icon
Appears whenever there is a fault or alarm (i.e. low battery voltage)
E Power Output Reading
Total combined power output (AC + DC) measured in watts.
F Estimated Run Time Reading
Estimated run time remaining at current output level measured in hours. Runtimes >9.9 hours the display will simply remain at 9.9 hours.
G Power Output Icon 2
Appears anytime there is a load (AC or DC)
H AC Frequency Reading
Measures AC output frequency
I AC Voltage Reading
Measures AC output voltage from the inverter
J Dualink Parallel Mode Icon
Displays only when Dualink Parallel Mode is on
K State of Charge Reading
Displays estimated state of charge (SoC) as a percentage
L Power Input Icon 2
Appears anytime there is a power source connected
M Est. Time Reading
Estimated time until fully recharged at current input level measured in hours.Recharge times >9.9 hours the display will simply remain at 9.9 hours.


General Information
The Kodiak X2 can only charge in Solo Mode, as indicated by the DualinkParallel Switch being pushed completely to the right below the letter “S”.This switch is located below the charge ports on the left side. Ensure this isdone BEFORE connecting a charge source. Because the Kodiak X2 must be chargedin Solo Mode, never attempt to charge a Kodiak X2 while it is connected toanother Kodiak X2 in Parallel Mode, doing so will void the warranty and mayresult in fire, property damage, or bodily harm. While charging, leave theMain Power Button in the ON position, this will allow the Kodiak X2 to reach100% and balance the internal multi-cell battery pack.

The Kodiak X2 should only be charged when the temperature of the battery isabove 32°F. The battery will suffer irreparable damage if charged when thetemperature of the battery itself is below 32°F. We have included temperaturesensors in the Kodiak X2 battery pack that can be read by our mobile app tohelp you if you suspect that the ambient temperature is close to that level.If it is below freezing, simply allow the Kodiak X2 to warm up for an hour ortwo before charging. Similarly, charging the Kodiak X2 when it’s too hot(above 104°F) can also degrade and damage the battery.

When charging your Kodiak X2, the LCD screen will indicate the amount of powerbeing sent to the battery and an estimated charge time. This estimated chargetime is based on the real-time power input and output shown on-screen, and itwill change as the average charge or discharge rates fluctuate.

Charging From the Grid (AC Wall Outlet)
You can charge your Kodiak X2 from normal AC power sources. The wall adapterprovides up to 1080 watts of charge power. Because of this extremely fastcharge rate, only one charge source at a time will charge the battery: eitherthe grid OR solar input, not both at the same time. If both are connected, ACcharging will be prioritized and solar charging will be disabled. In the eventthe grid goes down and AC charging is lost, solar charging will automaticallybe re-enabled until the system is either charged or grid power is restored.Important Note: The Inergy Quick Wall Charger that is used for the Flex 1500Power Station or Apex Power Station is NOT compatible with the Kodiak X2 andshould not be used. It may damage your system.

Charging With Solar Panels
In general, with solar panels in a shadow-free environment, no obstructions,and clear sunlight, it’s common to see a charge rate of about 80% of thewattage of your solar panel array. Utilizing solar energy can be as simple aspointing your panels at the sun. However, there are many variables that canaffect the panel’s performance, and there are a few “best practices” to know.For help charging with solar panels and configuring your solar arrayscorrectly, please call us (see Contact Us) and we’ll be happy to help you out.Here are a few of the most common variables that affect performance, and sometips and tricks to help you maximize your results:

Ideal Time of Day
As a general rule of thumb, the brighter the sun is shining, the better yoursolar panels will work. Panels operate at peak efficiency when the sun is mostdirect— typically around midday. Solar panels run off of light, not heat. Infact, solar panels produce the most during cold, clear days rather than inextremely hot conditions. Even on a windy day, solar panels can still operateat peak output. Cloud cover will significantly reduce the efficiency of thepanels, though they will still continue to generate some electricity.

Time of Year
The amount of daylight changes with the seasons, as the sun moves closer andfarther away from you. During summer months, overall solar production isgenerally higher due to more daylight hours. Although the winter months havefewer daylight hours, cold temperatures positively affect a panel’sperformance. In fact, cold temperatures in clear conditions can generate themost solar production overall.

Panel Placement
Place your solar panel where it will get as much direct sunlight as possible.Shade on one or more panels can reduce the performance of the whole string.Take care to avoid trees and other shade that may move with the sun throughoutthe day.

Peak Your Panels
Pointing your panels directly at the sun and adjusting them throughout the daywill yield the best results. The angle will vary from month to month, but anangle of 30-60 degrees from flat is generally considered ideal. As long as youpoint your panels at the sun, you should get good results.

Safety Tips
The Kodiak X2 is designed for use with and rated for Inergy-brand solarpanels, but you can use third-party solar panels if you have them. In general,you should not mix different types and ratings of panels; always use identicalpanels in a string. As a hard rule, any string of solar panels must not exceedthe open circuit voltage (VOC) rating of the Kodiak X2 (see Tech Specs). Ifyou have any questions or doubts about your solar panels’ open circuitvoltage, please call us. (See Contact Us.)

Clean Your Panels
Solar panels function through the interaction of many individual cells (seeright). Output can be greatly affected by even the slightest obstruction to asingle cell of the panel. Make sure the panel is free of any dirt, debris, orother objects like stickers and decals. Aftermarket protective coatings,including clear films, plastic sheet/ paneling, and even glass, can alsogreatly reduce panel performance.

Panel Wiring – Series vs Parallel vs Series-Parallel
Wiring your panels correctly is key to getting the highest efficiency in yourunique situation. You can wire panels in parallel (connecting all positivewires together, and all negative wires together) or series (connecting thepositive wire of one panel to the negative wire of the next). Another wiringmethod is series-parallel, which involves a single series string of multipleidentical parallel strings. Because the Kodiak X2 has a 24V internal battery,parallel solar panel wiring configurations with 12V solar panels will chargethe battery, but may be slower and underperform. 12V solar panels wired in aseries (under 65 VOC) or a series-parallel configuration will provide optimalcharging performance. See the diagram below for how to wire 4 solar panels ina series-parallel configuration.
INERGY Kodiak X2 Solar Power Station User Guide (4)

Inergy Solar Panels (or Other MC4 Panels) Connected in Series
Connecting solar panels in series increases the voltage of the string. A VOCover 45V can be dangerous, risking electrical shock and personal harm if nothandled properly. When using solar panels in series, always follow thisprocess when connecting them to your Kodiak X2:

Step 1. Plug the blue EC8 connector of your 30’ EC8-to-MC4 Ascent PanelCable into the blue EC8 connector on your Kodiak X2 Power Station.

Step 2. Connect the male and female MC4 connectors on your solar panelsin one continuous string, male to female and so on. When you are doneconnecting your panels, you will have one open male connector on one end ofyour string, and one open female at the other end.

Step 3. Connect the MC4 connectors on your EC8-to-MC4 cable to thecorresponding connectors on each end of your string of solar panels. Youshould end up with a closed loop (a completed series connection). See the nextpage for an illustration of this process. If you have questions or difficultywith this setup, please contact our support team (see Contact Us).

You will know the Kodiak X2 is charging from your solar panels when the LCDscreen indicates both a charge input on the LEFT side of the LCD and anestimated charge time appears. The battery icon in the lower left side of thescreen will blink, and the dial in the center of the screen will blink as wellto indicate charging. The estimated charge time will fluctuate as the powerinput and output of the system changes in real-time. It can take up to 30seconds for charging to begin, while the smart charger detects your panels andthe input voltage stabilizes.

WARNING: DO NOT connect your EC8-to-MC4 adapter cable to your solar panelstring BEFORE plugging the EC8 connector into your Kodiak X2 Power Station.Connecting the EC8 connector first decreases the risk of severe electricalshock. Always follow the process described above. When disconnecting yoursolar panels, always go in reverse order, removing the EC8 connector from theKodiak X2 last.

Legacy Inergy Panels With EC8 Connectors
Remember that 12V solar panels with EC8 connectors are wired in a parallelconfiguration, and may underperform with the Kodiak X2. If using legacy Inergypanels with EC8 connectors, always use the following process when connectingyour panels:

Step 1. Plug one of the blue EC8 connectors on your 30’ EC8 Solar PanelCable into the blue EC8 connector on your Kodiak X2 Power Station.

Step 2. Connect the other end of your 30’ cable to one of the EC8 leadson your Solar Storm or Linx panels.

Step 3. Connect additional cables as desired using the 6’ EC8 Solar panelcables between panels.

You will know the Kodiak X2 is charging from your solar panels when the LCDscreen indicates both a charge input on the LEFT side of the LCD and anestimated charge time appears. The battery icon in the lower left side of thescreen will blink, and the dial in the center of the screen will blink as wellto indicate charging. The estimated charge time will fluctuate as the powerinput and output of the system changes in real-time

Cell Balancing
The Kodiak X2 uses multi-cell lithium battery packs, which can becomeunbalanced after heavy use or after going a long time between full charges.This means that one cell group is at a higher or lower state of charge (SoC)than the others. In order to resolve this imbalance, the battery needs to becharged while the intelligent management system balances each cell group. TheKodiak X2 employs a rapid cell balancing system to address the issue while itcharges, but this process can take several hours. You may see the SoC remainat ~99% for extended periods until balancing finishes. You can still use theKodiak X2 without charging up those last few percentage points, but you won’tget the max capacity until the system reaches 100%. Just give your unit a fullovernight charge every now and then to ensure the maximum charge capacity isreached.

Charging for Long-Term Storage
If you intend to store your Kodiak X2 for an extended period of time, westrongly recommend you check the state of charge once every three months. Ifthe state of charge dips below 30%, we recommend charging it to about 50%before putting it back into storage. The ideal battery SoC range for long-termstorage is 30 – 50%.


Powering Your Gear
The Kodiak X2 Power Station has a Main Power button located on the LEFT sideof the unit. Each group of outputs are then turned on/off with their own smallpower button connected to the orange line that surrounds each group. The onlyexception to this is the 12V car ports and 5525 DC outputs, which turn on/offat the same time when the small power button for either section is pressed.When activating AC output, there is a 8-10 second delay before AC powerbegins. To maximize your run time, connect your Kodiak X2 to a charge sourcewhile using it. You can charge your Kodiak X2 and run your gear at the sametime as long as the Dualink Parallel Switch is in Solo Mode.

Using the Kodiak X2 as a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
The Kodiak X2 Power Station can be used as a UPS to provide constant, reliablepower to devices of your choosing as long as they are within specification(See Tech Specs). Before connecting anything, verify that the Dualink ParallelSwitch is in Solo Mode (with the switch on the left side of the Kodiak X2being pushed completely to the LEFT under the letter “S”). The Kodiak X2 canonly function as a UPS while in Solo Mode.

Connect the wall adapter to the AC Charge Input on the Kodiak X2, then connectthe other end of the wall adapter to an AC power source. If the battery isdepleted, it will automatically begin charging. Next, connect whatever deviceyou want to supply power to by plugging into any of the AC outlets on thefront of the Kodiak X2. Press the Main Power Switch to the ON position,followed by the AC Power Button (the small button above the AC outputs). TheKodiak X2 will automatically recharge the battery (if it’s depleted) AND beginproviding uninterrupted power to the device you have connected. Simply leavethe power on in this configuration.

In the event of a power outage and grid power isn’t available, the Kodiak X2will automatically switch (within ≤ 10ms) to battery power and continueoutputting reliable power to your device. Should grid power be restored, theKodiak X2 will again automatically switch to allow grid power to flow to yourdevice and begin recharging the battery at the same time.

Solar panels can also be connected while the Kodiak X2 is in thisconfiguration. In the event of a power outage and grid power isn’t available,solar charging will automatically enable AND the Kodiak X2 will switch tobattery power to continue outputting reliable power to your device. Once gridpower is restored, solar charging will automatically disable and the batterywill recharge via the wall adapter while providing grid power to your device.

Using the Kodiak X2 in Dualink Parallel Mode
The Kodiak X2 can be paralleled with another Kodiak X2 to provide double thebattery capacity and double the AC output. To use Dualink Parallel Mode,follow the step below to ensure safe operation. Not doing so could result inpermanent damage to your Kodiak X2, risk of severe shock, fire, propertydamage, or bodily harm and will void the warranty

  1. Begin with both units turned off.

  2. Push the Dualink Parallel Switch (located on the left side of the unit) completely to the RIGHT, so the switch is below the letter “P” on BOTH units as seen in FIGURE 1.

  3. Connect the wall adapter to the AC OUTPUTS on the secondary unit, and the other end to the AC INPUT on the primary unit, as seen in FIGURE 2

  4. Turn on the Main Power Button on both units, but NOT the AC Power Button.

  5. Verify the Parallel Mode Icon appears on the LCD of BOTH units, as seen in FIGURE 3.
    INERGY Kodiak X2 Solar Power Station User Guide (5)

  6. Connect the desired AC load to the PRIMARY unit ONLY.

  7. Turn the AC Power Button on for the PRIMARY unit, then the SECONDARY unit. Any AC loads connected to the primary unit will be shared equally between the two units.

Getting the Most Out of Your Kodiak X2
When using the Kodiak to power your gear, pay attention to the LCD display. Ifyou are using appliances that draw a lot of power, like a space heater or heatgun, the state of charge can decrease rapidly, and you may not be able to usethe full system capacity. There will inevitably be some energy loss betweenthe battery and the outputs, which means you may not be able to use the fullstorage capacity with heavy loads. This energy loss is common to allelectronic devices. If run times are shorter than you expect, this is probablywhy. As a general rule, higher power output usually results in lower systemefficiency. Another key fact is that the DC outputs are much more efficientthan the AC. For instance, it’s better to charge your mobile devices from theDC ports when possible, rather than plug a wall charger into the AC outputs.The Kodiak X2 inverter consumes a few watts of power even with no load.

Using the Kodiak X2 in Extremely Hot or Cold Weather
Temperature extremes can affect the Kodiak X2’s capacity and even preventcharging. High temperatures are notorious for decreasing the lifespan of notjust the battery, but all electronics. If you plan to use the Kodiak X2 inbelow freezing conditions, you may need to protect it from the cold. Do notuse the Kodiak X2 outside of the specified temperature ranges (see TechSpecs).

Storing the Kodiak X2
Store the Kodiak X2 away from flammable items and combustion sources and on acool, dry, non-combustible surface. Proper maintenance and storage of lithiumbatteries will ensure not only the safety of your battery, but also help youmaximize cycle life and performance. When handling lithium-ion batteries, donot short-circuit, crush, drop, mutilate, penetrate with foreign objects orotherwise modify the battery or its enclosure. Do not expose them to extremetemperatures or disassemble packs and cells. The safe storage and operatingtemperatures of the Kodiak X2 are found in Tech Specs. If a Kodiak X2 isexposed to extremely high temperatures, or it hisses, bulges, or pops,immediately move it away from flammable materials and place it on a non-combustible surface for at least 48 hours, and call us immediately.

Although it is very unlikely, there is always a small risk of lithiumbatteries catching fire. If you do experience a lithium battery fire, douse itwith copious amounts of water until extinguished, then remove anythingflammable from the vicinity of the battery. Do not attempt to touch or movethe battery as it can reignite, putting you in danger.

If you cannot douse the fire with water, allow the fire to burn out on its ownin a controlled and safe manner, away from anything flammable. Allow thedevice to remain on a non-combustible surface for at least 48 hours, aslithium batteries can potentially reignite.


Battery Specifications

  • Battery Type: Lithium – LFP (LiFePO4)
  • Nominal Storage Capacity: 1,280 Wh (50Ah, 25.6V)
  • Cycle Life: Up to 6000, 80% capacity

Inverter Specifications

  • Input Maximum (1)
    12A, 120VAC 60Hz

  • AC Output (4)
    1200W, 120VAC 60Hz Continuous, Pure sine wave

  • AC Overload
    101~110% Overload, 3 minutes
    111~130% Overload, 1 minute
    131~149% Overload, 1 second
    150~200% Overload, 100mS

  • UPS
    Line-interactive, ≤ 10ms switching time

  • Dualink Parallel Output
    2 Kodiak X2’s in parallel maximum, 2400W (120VAC 60 Hz) output maximum

Charging Specifications

Solar Charge Controller: MPPT, 18-65VDC input, 10A maximum charge rate,400W maximum input
AC Charging: Up to 1080W maximum

DC Output

  • 12V Car Ports (2): 12V Regulated DC, 10A maximum
  • USB-A Outputs (3): 5V, 2.1A
  • USB-C Outputs (3): 5-12V, up to 45W maximum
  • 5525 DC Outputs (2): 12V Regulated DC, 5A maximum

Environmental Operating Specifications

  • Discharging Temperature: 14° – 104°F (-10° – 40°C)
  • Charging Temperature: 32° – 104°F (0° – 40°C)
  • Ingress Protection: IP20

Physical Specifications

Dimensions: 15” wide x 10.25” tall x 9” deep
Weight: 34.8 lbs (15.8 kg)


  • Wireless Connectivity: Bluetooth


INERGY HOLDINGS, LLC (“Inergy Solar” or “Inergy”) warrants to the originalconsumer purchaser that this Inergy Solar product will be free from defects inworkmanship and material under normal consumer use during the applicablewarranty period identified in Paragraph 2, below, subject to the exclusionsset forth in Paragraph 6, below. This warranty statement sets forth Inergy’stotal and exclusive warranty obligation. We will not assume, nor authorize anyperson to assume for us, any other liability in connection with the sales ofour products.

Warranty Period
In each case, the warranty period is measured starting on the date of shipmentto the original consumer purchaser. The sales receipt from the first consumerpurchase, or other reasonable documentary proof, is required in order toestablish the start date of the warranty period. Registration is not required.

“No Lemon” Policy
Inergy Solar warrants to the original consumer purchaser that should thisInergy product require service (rendered only by Inergy) on (3) three separateoccasions within the above stated warranty period, the unit can be exchangedfor a replacement product of comparable type, quality, and functionality atthe request of the original consumer purchaser. Validation by an Inergytechnician of product failure is required prior to replacement. Your warrantyremains in force for the duration of the original 24-month warranty period,and is in no way terminated by replacement product under this No Lemon Policy.

Inergy Solar will repair or replace (at Inergy Solar’s option and expense) anyInergy Solar product that fails to operate during the applicable warrantyperiod due to a defect in workmanship or material.

Limited to Original Consumer / Buyer
The warranty on Inergy Solar’s products is limited to the original consumerpurchaser and is not transferable to any subsequent owner.

Inergy’s warranty does not apply to (i) any product that is misused, abused,modified, neglected, damaged by accident, or used for anything other thannormal consumer use as authorized in Inergy’s then-current product literature,or (ii) any product purchased through an unauthorized seller. Inergy’swarranty does not apply to any battery cell or product containing a batterycell unless the battery cell is fully charged by you at least once every sixmonths. The Kodiak X2 records critical system event data. This data can beused to determine if a battery has been improperly used, including but notlimited to improper charging/discharging, short-circuits, water damage, andextreme temperature exposure.

How to Receive Service
To obtain warranty service, you must contact our technical support team viatelephone, on live web chat on,or via email. (See Contact Us.) If our technical support team determines thatfurther assistance is required, they will give you a Return MaterialAuthorization (“RMA”) number and return shipping label. You must package theproduct in original product packaging, clearly marking the RMA number on thepackage and including proof of your purchase with the product.



If you have any questions about your Kodiak X2 or the above instructions,please contact our support team using the information here:

Phone: (877) 891-2657

Web Chat: / Use the webchat tool at the bottom right of the page.

Phone and Chat Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mountain Time


Designed in the U.S.A. and Made in China
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a ClassB digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off andon, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or moreof the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject tothe following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.

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INERGY Kodiak X2 Solar Power Station User Guide (2024)


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